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I love to be in nature, immersing myself in the sensory, ephemeral qualities of light to catch the pulse and poetics of the Devon and Cornwall land, coast and sea. I aim to evoke these numinous qualities, the spirit, vitality and zest of life, in my oil and mixed media paintings. 


In my meditation practise, on retreat, many years ago, I experienced total immersion into an all encompassing joy, perhaps a dissolution into the nature of being, which has remained with me. Like being inside an explosion of particles eternally unfolding in an exquisite dance, going beyond thoughts and feelings to experience simply what is. 


I have found there to be a quality of presence, simply being with whatever is arising, from the most simple and mundane moment to the most dramatic, whether sorrowful or exquisite, that reveals to me a thousand names for joy. 


So I sit and gather a kaleidoscope of light; dancing sunlight and fleeting shadows as they dapple across our country lanes and flicker in trees, sparkling and splashing on Dartmoor rivers and flowing across our seas. Beauty revealed in the glow of arriving dawns and the flow and ebb of a day. I share with you these momentary delights.


Josie Gould MA and BA (Hons) Fine Art


Devon. UK.




It doesn't have to be
the blue iris, it could be

weeds in a vacant lot; or a few

small stones; just
pay attention, then patch


a few words together and don't try

to make them elaborate, this isn't

a contest but the doorway
into thanks, and a silence in which

another voice may speak.


Mary Oliver












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